Friday, June 23, 2017

Bob's 16" F4.5 --- Just About Complete . . .

I always assemble my telescopes completely so as to check
for fit, finish and motion. In this case -- it's right on!!
The partially assembled OTA and ready to place in the rocker box.
It's easy to grab the top ring of the mirror box and lift the assembly
 into the rocker. A little leverage makes the job a snap.
Add the "intermediate" ring. Note the washers are "up:
This keeps the top-half of the struts from digging 

into the wood ring.

Add the top half of the struts, strings,
sliding counterweight and finder(s).
Finally, add the top ring. I make the struts a bit "off center".
this puts stress on the assembly as it lines up and
creates a more rigid OTA. Note the strings as well.
The mirror box, strings and mirror cover. I like to
use Lemon Oil Pledge on the bearings surfaces to
clean and lubricate the Ebonystar and Teflon.

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